My name is Amy Davis and I am an Independent Speech and Language Therapist. My specialism is working with young children who are Autistic, have social communication difficulties, and global developmental delay. I work within the surrounding areas of Peterborough and Stamford.
I am able to provide informal assessment, advice and therapy to support your child's functional communication. I am also available to deliver bespoke training packages to educational providers focusing on intervention strategies for developing social communication, social interaction and language development.
I qualified as a Paediatric Speech and Language Therapist in 2005 from the University of Central England, Birmingham. I worked in the NHS for over 15 years developing therapy packages and leading a team to deliver assessment and intervention for children with a range of speech, language and communication needs.
My therapy focuses on developing your child’s functional communication, interaction and language and involves all key-people within your child’s life; family, pre-school, nursery or school staff to set and deliver appropriate goals.
I have attended additional training on Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS), TEACCH, Intensive Interaction, Hanen and Attention Autism and the Curiosity programme, led by Gina Davies.
I am a qualified Natural Language Acquisition (NLA) Trained Clinician after completing a course on Gestalt Language Processing.
I am also a PACT accredited trained therapist. PACT is an evidence-based intervention which uses video feedback with parents/carers to support children's social communication.
Association of Speech and Language Therapists in Independent Practise (ASLTIP) 1645