We believe that children should be working on developing their communication at a functional level and therefore our therapy is fun, interactive, attention grabbing, motivating and rewarding.

Assessments take place in your child’s home and are informal allowing us to observe your child’s interaction, play skills, communication and language. We will also gather information regarding their strengths and differences. These sessions usually take between 60-90 minutes. If required, we can visit your child in their educational setting to carry out further observation that can add to the assessment process.
Therapy sessions can take place in a variety of settings including home, preschool, nursery and school. During these sessions, we will work directly with your child and provide their key-person with advice and strategies that empower them to continue working towards achieving the goals we have agreed. These sessions usually take between 45-60 minutes and can be booked in a block.
Therapy can focus on developing...
- Attention
- Social Interaction
- Communication – using objects, symbols or everyday signing
- Play skills
- Understanding of Language
- Expressive Language
Association of Speech and Language Therapists in Independent Practise (ASLTIP) 1645